Add liquid calories as in shakes. They are digested much more quickly than solid calories.
Just 3 Litchis (nutrition analysis) can meet 1/3 of an adult’s daily Vitamin-C requirement.
Banana and milk together provide all the needed nutrients.
Bananas are a good post-exercise snack. They energize us.
Light snacks like milk/yogurt containing calcium gives you a relaxing effect.
Have beetroot to cure anemia and improve your blood level.
Consume Musk Melon for lack of appetite, weight loss, constipation, acidity, ulcer.
Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of strokes.
Use Olive oil- it aids weight loss and also controls bad cholesterol.
Keep risk of heart disease at bay, add green tea to your regular diet.
Choose pure juices without any added sugar.
Remedies:Treat Hypertension: Have a tablespoon of neem juice mixed with Mishri twice a day.
High blood sugar: Have one tablespoon of neem juice daily morning.
Add mushrooms to your meals . They control Blood Pressure and strengthen bones.
Suffering from tooth ache?: Dab Vinegar on the tooth. This will ease the pain.
Tips:A bath after meals decreases blood supply to your digestive system.
Eat small meals at regular intervals , this will build immunity.
Prevent common cold – when drenched, keep your hands away from your nose and eyes.
Engage in mental games to keep the mind active and alert.
Too lil sleep can alter your hormone levels and increase your body weight.
Avoid eating fruits just after meals. It may cause intestinal gas.
Exercise raises your heart rate thus, more blood flows to your brain.
Do a combination of aerobic and some stretching to release stress.
High-fiber diet cures constipation and coronary heart diseases.
In monsoons eat in moderation as it’s hard to digest food.
Laughter, lowers blood pressure, relaxes muscles and boosts immune system.